I know it's difficult today. I see you, your head buried under the pillow.
Not a single part of your body protrudes from under the duvet.
You want to hide. You say that sometimes you would like to disappear.
My love.
I know it's difficult today. I could leave you there.
But I can not allow you to hide your beauty to the world any longer. I just can't.
So let me explain how I see you. Look through my eyes.
Through your lowered eyelids
I see a silver light, a drop of gold.
A spark of tear
In the hollow of your hands, I see your destiny.
Do not let it evade !
In your pretty head, I see thoughts and dreams full of colors.
You don't believe me, but there is a rainbow behind the clouds !
Your heart is sad, no doubt.
But your heart is valiant.
I can see it shining !
Through your whole being
Do not exhaust yourself in wanting to change the world.
You will probably not have the strength to change anything today.
you can stand up.
Take a step
Then another
You can smile.
And that smile will change the face of the world
and the current of the sky
I know it's difficult today.
Maybe a simple step or even a smile are hard for you.
But I can not allow you to hide your beauty to the world any longer. I just can't.
#Peace #ProseCafé #Love #YouOnlyLiveOnce